Planning for Incapacity in Florida
Under Florida Statutes if an incapacitated individual has not prepared an advanced directive (living will) or executed a designation of healthcare surrogate healthcare decisions can be made for the patient by individuals in the following order of priority:
(a) The judicially appointed guardian of the patient or the guardian advocate of the person having a developmental disability as defined in s. 393.063, who has been authorized to consent to medical treatment, if such guardian has previously been appointed; however, this paragraph shall not be construed to require such appointment before a treatment decision can be made under this subsection;
(b) The patient’s spouse;
(c) An adult child of the patient, or if the patient has more than one adult child, a majority of the adult children who are reasonably available for consultation;
(d) A parent of the patient;
(e) The adult sibling of the patient or, if the patient has more than one sibling, a majority of the adult siblings who are reasonably available for consultation;
(f) An adult relative of the patient who has exhibited special care and concern for the patient and who has maintained regular contact with the patient and who is familiar with the patient’s activities, health, and religious or moral beliefs; or
(g) A close friend of the patient.
(h) A clinical social worker licensed pursuant to chapter 491, or who is a graduate of a court-approved guardianship program.
An issue that presents itself, is when there is more than one individual within any of the aforementioned classes. One example, is the situation where a patient is not survived by a spouse but has 2 adult children. The statute allows for a decision based on a majority of the adult children. In this situation if the two children disagree there is a stalemate. This is the same issue for any class where more than one member can exist that would be available to make the healthcare decision based on informed consent. To prevent the family strife that could be caused by this situation, it is important for individuals to prepare estate planning documents such as their Living Will and Designation of Healthcare Surrogate. Florida Statute §765.302 provides:
765.302 Procedure for making a living will; notice to physician.—
(1) Any competent adult may, at any time, make a living will or written declaration and direct the providing, withholding, or withdrawal of life-prolonging procedures in the event that such person has a terminal condition, has an end-stage condition, or is in a persistent vegetative state. A living will must be signed by the principal in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, one of whom is neither a spouse nor a blood relative of the principal. If the principal is physically unable to sign the living will, one of the witnesses must subscribe the principal’s signature in the principal’s presence and at the principal’s direction.
(2) It is the responsibility of the principal to provide for notification to her or his primary physician that the living will has been made. In the event the principal is physically or mentally incapacitated at the time the principal is admitted to a health care facility, any other person may notify the physician or health care facility of the existence of the living will. A primary physician or health care facility which is so notified shall promptly make the living will or a copy thereof a part of the principal’s medical records.
(3) A living will, executed pursuant to this section, establishes a rebuttable presumption of clear and convincing evidence of the principal’s wishes.
The relevant Florida Statue regarding Designation of Healthcare Surrogate provides:
765.202 Designation of a health care surrogate.—
(1) A written document designating a surrogate to make health care decisions for a principal or receive health information on behalf of a principal, or both, shall be signed by the principal in the presence of two subscribing adult witnesses. A principal unable to sign the instrument may, in the presence of witnesses, direct that another person sign the principal’s name as required herein. An exact copy of the instrument shall be provided to the surrogate.
Speak to an experienced Florida Estate Planning Attorney to discuss preparation of your Living Will and Designation of Healthcare Surrogate.
Author: Matthew D. Pineda, J.D., LL.M., LLMLE
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